Miltown Kings (who also all just happen to be my closest friends) -
We all do drag performance together, and nothing makes an act better than doing it with one of these amazing people. A good Idea any one of us has becomes genius when it gets passed around the group. We all have a unique perspective and gift to bring into mix.
Funny Ear Hats -
I like a whole lot of silly in my life – it takes the edge off much better than substance abuse. Ear hats pretty much guarantee at least a moment or two of random, dorky, goofy fun, and they keep things light, relaxed and flowing.
Music you can Dance to! -
Moving my body keeps me aware of how it’s doing, and how I’m interacting with the world. If I can pull off the robot and NOT feel like a moron… things are looking good! I also listen to music while I work because it keeps my energy up, and if the song is really good, I can get ideas from the lyrics.
Costumes and Characters -
It’s rare for me to go a whole six months without donning a character and rolling with it for a night. Trying on different personas lets me have that ‘Other’ experience. I can feel what it would be like to have had a different kind of life, and it helps me find compassion and understanding.
Sacred Geometry -
Image from:
I have been studying sacred geometry for years. I love the concepts and math behind the beautiful imagery. The Greeks used sacred geometry to obsess about and strive for ultimate perfect beauty. Many early temples were built on the math of the Golden Rectangle. The human body and supposedly the entire universe is in proportion to itself by the phi ratio of 1.68:1 I have quite a ways to go in learning all the details, but in the meantime, these concepts have already inspired a number of works of mine.
Simple Shapes -
Image from:
This goes along with the sacred geometry – or possibly stems from it. It’s funny really how a simple shape, especially in volume, can catch and hold my attention better than any fancy intricate design. Throw me a lace doily and a bouncy ball… guess which one I’m going to put down first. I really like how simple shapes can fit together in intricate patterns, or simple ones, and create the most beautiful decorations.
Conservationism -
Although large scale conservationism is a lovely thing and needs attention too, I’m talking more about not wasting or using more than I absolutely need. That’s right. I’m a big hippy. When you are done giggling move on cause there’s nothing else to see here.
Mythical Creatures -
Image from:
Another E-Hollywood true confessions, I love myth stories, especially ones about mythical creatures. Dragons, trolls, fairies... big foot, whatever, well, maybe not so much the unicorn. I really prefer the predator types. They tend to have better lore. This also includes stories about gods. I am fascinated with Greek and Roman god stories, tribal gods, the Christian god, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Super Hero Girls -
Created and Drawn by Diane DiMassa. Image taken from:
Hothead Paisan, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Laura Croft, Superwoman, Wonder woman, tank girl… any character that portrays a woman who fights back - Hard, and still has sensuality. True, in popular TV culture that sensuality is icky, sex sells, babe-alishiousness… which is why hothead is the pic. She’s not your typical kind of sexy… she’s my kind of sexy. …which leads me to the next inspiration…
Big Brains -
Not the kind that Zombies eat – I get really jazzed around people who really think about the world around them and try to work out solutions to the worlds problems. Even if they never find the solutions, I love to hear where people go in their heads. When I am alone with my thoughts, I think about people, and the interactions I’ve had with them, more than I think about anything else. Which of course leads ME to thinking about the world, and what it is I might be able to do about …something.